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First off, snorting methadone is not a good idea. If your asking what it feels like, it will burn the crap out of your nose and will get stuck up there. All methadone pills expand when they are exposed to moisture and grow to about 1-2 times there original size. On top of this, snorting methadone is pointless because it is a slow acting and absorbing drug. It does not absorb quickly into the bloodstream like many other opiate pills. So snorting methadone will not get you any more "high" than if you take it orally. You will actually lose a lot of the medication and feel less of its effects due to it becoming stuck in your nose. and taking forever to absorb.

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Q: What does snorting 10mg methadone feel like?
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Well it depends... If you have never taken Methadone before then it is possible you will feel a slight to moderate "high" or "buzz" or you may not even feel any high at all. 10mg of methadone is a very small amount so in my personal opinion I wouldnt really expect to get really high. When I first took methadone I was given 30mg at a clinic and I was VERY high, but it did take almost 1-2 hours to take effect and the high lasted almost 2 days. I had an oxy-80 a day habit and didnt take anything for one whole day, then got my 30mg dose of methadone.

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No. Even though they are both opiates, they are completely different and the mg's are different. Methadone has a much longer half-life than oxy-codone(percocet), so therefore it is much stronger. They both also have different euphoric effects or feelings. Oxy-codone produces a much more intense "high" than methadone, but methadone stays in the system for much longer and is usually used for people who are getting off opiates like Oxycodone.

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I don't really understand the question. Methadone makes you feel normal and basically gives you extra energy depending on your dose. If you take too much methadone, it will make you tired and make you nod off and fall asleep anywhere, but that's only if you take a lot, if you are not prescribed to methadone I wouldn't recommend taking it at all because it is a very dangerous and potent drug for someone that is not on it and it is definitely not a drug to play or experiment with. Although, if you are addicted to opiates, I would recommend buying methadone instead, while you try to get into a methadone maintenance program. Buy only a bit, say 5-10mg at first, don't take anymore then 5-10mg your first time or you will get sick. Go up 5-10mg every week and you should be fine until you get prescribed to it. Methadone is a lot better then say Oxycontin or morphine because it's a lot cheaper in the end and lasts 24-36 hours, basically the entire day. Be very careful though, like I said... it's not a drug to play around with. Once you start taking it, it acts on the opiate receptors in the brain, blocking you from getting high off any other opiate, which isn't such a bad thing. Go to your local methadone clinic or doctor and try to get on the program and just self medicate yourself until you start a prescription for it, just be careful and take my advice above, from someone who was on methadone for five or six years.

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