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The Independent Variable!

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Q: What does the dependent variable depend upon?
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Does the dependent variable depend on the independent variable?

Yes, I think it does. Because when the independent variable changes the dependent variable relies on it.

Is days a dependent or indepndent variable?

a day is a dependent variable hence depend on other factors

The relationship between dependent variable and independent variable?

A dependent variable depends on the other factors while an independent variable does not depend on the other factors.

When one factor affects another?

Dependent Variable - Note the root word DEPEND. So a dependent variable is when on variable depends on/affects the other.

What does the dependent variable experiment always depend on?

The independent Veritable.

What is an independent variable dependent variable and controlled variable?

an independent variable is a thing you can change on your own. a depentent variable is a variable you depend on and a responding variable is a variable that reacts to the experiment

Variable is the value whose value depends upon the value of the independent variable?

The dependent variable is the variable that depends on the independent variable.

What is the variable that is observed and that changes in response to the manipulated variable?

The dependent variable is the observed one. If there is an experimental effect, then the changes you see in this variable depend on what you did to the manipulated variable.

What is a resultant variable?

A resulting variable is the variable in the experiment that you don't change. As when the manipulating variable is the variable that you do change.

What is the description of an independent variable?

An independent variable is the factor that is manipulated by the experimenter in an effort to study the effects of the change upon the dependent variable.

How do you know the difference between the dependent and the independent variable?

The independent variable is one that does not depend on the other variable. A dependent variable "depends" on the other variable. Think about the distance traveled by a car over time. You have two variables in that, time and distance. Now think about which depends on the other. Does time depend on distance? No. Time will keep going even if the car stops. Does distance depend on time? Yes. The more time that goes on, the more distance is traveled. So distance is the dependent variable, because it depends on time. Time is the independent variable because it doesn't depend on distance.

A factor that can change during an experiment is called?

the part of an experiment that changes is called the variable.