

What does the latin work ante mean?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What does the latin work ante mean?
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The Latin translation for 'ante' is before.

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It means 'before the offence'

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It means ante meridiem in Latin, I remember it as "after midnight."

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Qui ante? in Latin is "Who before?" in English.

In the clock what does AM mean?

AM stands for ante meridiam (Latin for "before mid-day")

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Am stands for Ante Meridiem, Latin for before noon, Pm stands for post meridiem, Latin for after noon.

What does previx ante mean?

The prefix 'ante-' means before. It comes from the Latin word 'ante', which means before. An example of this is the word anteroom, which is a smaller room that comes before a larger room.

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If you mean "a. m." as in telling time, it means "ante meridian," Latin for "before the middle [noon]."

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It is from the Latin Ante Christum

What does the AM in time mean?

It stands for the latin phrase, 'Ante Meridiam', which literally means 'before noon'.