

What does the number eight have to do with electrons?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What does the number eight have to do with electrons?
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What is the maximun number of electrons in the second energy level of an atom?

The maximum number of electrons in the second energy level of an atom is 8.

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What does it mean if an element has 8 electrons?

it has a full octet

How many electrons must an atom have to fulfill the octet?

2 or more electrons, because Oxygen already has 8.

How many octets of electrons are in a Lewis structure?

The maximum number of electrons in a Lewis structure is eight, which is an octet of electrons.

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What is the highest number of valence electrons an atom can have?

The most valence electrons an atom can contain is eight.

What is the number of electrons that can occupy the second shell of an atom?

The second shell can hold eight electrons.

How many electrons are in oxygen atom that has an atomic number of 8?

Every oxygen atom has eight electrons.

What is the maximum number of electrons that might be found in the valence shell?

The maximum number of electrons that might be found in the valence shell is eight.