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The phrase government of the people by the people for the people is based on the premise that the people shall govern themselves through their democratically elected representatives by virtue of one man one vote.

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Q: What does the phase government of the people by the people for the people mean?
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What does government by the people mean?

it means that the people are free to elect their own representatives, so it becomes a government for and by the people

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We the people is us you and me. The nation. All of us. That is why it begins the constitution. "WE THE PEOPLE IN ORDER TO FORM A PERFECT UNION".

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This phase means government take-over of an industry. "nationalize" means the private ownership ends and the industry belongs to the "people" and "they" get the profits if there are any.

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You are thinking of the Reign of Terror, which was by no means the final pase.

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Demo= people cracy= government so a democracy is litteraly a government that is ruled by the people, like votting.

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