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the shadow zone is a result of the core stopping

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Q: What does the shadow zone tell scientists about the earth core?
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What does the shadow zone tell scientists about the earth's core?

the shadow zone is a result of the core stopping

What does the shadow zone tell scientists about Earths interior?

that the earth is going to end in 2 days

How do scientistS know that the earth's inner core is made of dense iron and it's outer core is liquid?

When eartquakes erupt only certaing wavelengths can travel through both liquids and solids, so when the scientists measure to see at what point in the earth the waves refract they can then tell what parts are solid and what parts are liquid

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stratification- is the process of sediments forming layers it helps to tell scientists how old they are and when did they form on Earth.

How can they tell the inner core of the earth is solid?

by sesmic waves

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Since no human has ever set foot on Mars, it is hard to tell, but scientists think the inside of Mars is kind of like the inside of the earth, with a hot core, and miles of rock.

Why would the earth lose it's gravity if it's core cooled?

The earth's core contains radioactive elements and as these decay they release heat. This heat keeps the earth's core hot.

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There is no country that is in the exact middle of the Earth as the Earth is a sphere and does not have a single point at its center. The concept of the "center of the Earth" is more related to the Earth's core and its gravitational center.

How do seismic waves help scientists understand earth's interior?

The speed of the waves that travel through the interior can tell the density of each layer of the Earth. Some waves can make it through certain layers, but not others.

What is the core of the earth filled with?

The core of the earth is primarily made up of iron and a little bit of nickel. Oxygen, sulfur and some other gases might also be there to. It is difficult to tell exactly what it is made of.

What do s shadows tell us about the interior of the earth?

it tells us that the earths interior (core) is a liquid

What are two layers of earth in which convection currents takes place?

dont known tell me