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A man ,2 bulls or buffaloes, and a bird.

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Q: What does the shaft of the dead man in cave lascaux show?
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What is the subject matter of the cave paintings at Lascaux?

Commonly cave paintings would show great hunts that have happened within the tribe

Why are the lascaux caves closed?

The original Grotte de Lascaux (only one cave) was closed because the paintings were deteriorating thanks to the altered environment and import of fungal spores resulting from its being opened as a show-cave. Tourists are now shown a faithful replica. The original is opened only for serious scientific research.

Why were caves closed to the public?

You specify any particular examples but the main reasons are conservation (as with the original Lascaux Caves), safety (or rather fears of liability!) and in the case of show-caves, commercial failure. Also of course, closure to the "public" does not necessarily preculde access for genuine cavers & cave-researchers.

What is the white cave?

The White Star Cave is the longest show cave in England and in the UK

What is the caving?

The White Star Cave is the longest show cave in England and in the UK

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What is the name of Charlies' band on the show Lost?

Drive Shaft

What is the name of Charlie's band on the show Lost?

Drive Shaft

What is the mysterious cave of the virgin?

Get a girl drunk and she will show you...

What do you do after you see someone in the ventilation shaft on Game Show Island?

you have to lick the hobos foot and then he will show you the way

What kind of trees and plants can you find in Mammoth Cave?

You won't - apart perhaps from the occasional fungus on some organic detritus like a dead insect, or any "lampenflora" (algae or ferns) that may be growing around the show-cave floodlights. Chlorophyll-bearing plants cannot survive in caves.

Who works in caves?

Principally show-cave staff. Also scientists if studying some aspect of the cave professionally.