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General senses are the receptors that are sensitive to pain, temperature, and physical distortion

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Vision Taste smell hearing sensitivity

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Q: What are the general senses?
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Related questions

How are receptors classified of the special senses and general senses?

You can consider it as general.

What are general senses?

General senses are spread throughout the body. Special Senses are localized by their respective sensory organ.

What are the general senses of the body?

hearing,tasting,smelling, and looking or seeing

Can a concrete noun be recognized by the senses?

In general, a concrete noun can be experienced by one of the five senses: taste, touch, smell, sight or hear. Abstract nouns cannot be experienced by one of the five senses.

What Are the functions of the general senses?

The Special Senses system allows the body to react to environment by providing sight, hearing, taste, smell, and balance.Major Organs are the Eye, Ear, Tongue, and Nose.Major Structures are General Sense Receptors.

Which elements work together to create suspense?

smell,timing just your senses in general place whether your alone personality ect..

What is the Tagalog of senses?

Tagalog of senses: pandama

What is heightened senses?

senses growing

How do you do senses in hospital wards?

"Senses" ? sight and hearing are senses - you question makes no sense.

Who authored the more senses involved in learning the better the learning?

The statement "the more senses involved in learning, the better the learning" is a general concept in education theory and is not attributed to a specific author. It reflects the idea that engaging multiple senses during learning, such as seeing, hearing, touching, and doing, can enhance understanding and retention of information.

What are the Tasmanian Devils senses?

There senses are smelling

Why are the five senses called the five senses?

Because M. Night Shyamalan had already copyrighted the six senses..... Or maybe because there are five senses?