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A substance that will cause hallucinations.

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Q: What does the term hallucinogen mean?
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Is cannabis a depressant a stimulant or an hallucinogen?

Cannabis actually has all three traits. At different points of the trip it is a stimulant then a depressant. Through the whole experience it is a psychedelic (or hallucinogen but that is an inaccurate/misleading term)

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Is PCP hallucinogen?

Yes, PCP is a dissociative hallucinogen.

Is marijiuana a hallucinogen?

Yes, marijuana is a mild hallucinogen.

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Used for short-term surgical procedures in both animals and humans is also considered a hallucinogen when abused.?


Used for short tem surgical procedures in both animals and humans is also considerd a hallucinogen when abused?

Ketamine is used for short term surgical procedures in both animals and humans, and is also considered a hallucinogen when abused.

How expensive is hallucinogen?

The best and free hallucinogen is called phenylethylamine.

Is oxycodone a hallucinogen?

No, Oxycontin is an opioid, not a hallucinogen.

How do you take hallucinogen?

A Hallucinogen can range from many types of drugs theres no way to take hallucinogen its simply a Class for drugs