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refers to stone

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Q: What does the term lithic refer to?
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What is a lithic analyst?

A lithic analyst is a professional, usually an archaeologist, who specializes in the analysis of stone tools.

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to what does the term coed refer

What is the rock-sub category for a Greywacke rock?

Lithic greywacke comprises more lithic fragments and feldspathic greywacke contains more feldspar

What is lithic?

The process of loose sediment be compacted into rock.

What does the Greek word Neolithic mean?

Neo-lithic ΝεολιθικόNeo: new , lithic :made of stone (lithos:stone)something from the newest (the most recent) period of the age of stone.Also : Paleo-lithic ΠαλαιολιθικόPaleo- oldNeothic doesnt mean anything in greek. You probably mean neolithic. (the latter portion of the stone age)

What does the term extraterrestrial refer to?

The term extraterrestrial can be adjective or noun. In adjective case, the term extraterrestrial refer occurring or existing beyond the earth's atmosphere. In noun case, the term extraterrestrial refer being from the beyond the earth's atmosphere.

What are the three types of basic government?

Mono-lithic, Hereditry, and herectic.

What does the term x86 refer to?

The term refers to hybrid processors

What term does one use to refer to a dead US president?

I can not think of any special term . Sometimes the term "dead presidents' is used to refer to money.

What does the term implantation symptoms refer to?

The term implantation symptoms refer to a sign in which a woman can determine whether or not she is pregnant. This term refers to the egg implanting itself.

What does the term estate refer to?

The press

What does the term liminal refer to?

The term liminal can refer to a space in which is created with in a performance. This can be a room that takes the audience away from it being a room.