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Nectar, as do all Butterflies. The caterpillars only eat the leaves of pawpaw trees though, which is why they aren't found in areas without pawpaw.

Correction: Not all butterflies eat nectar. Yes, the Zebra swallowtail does eat nectar. However, many types of butterflies eat only tree sap or rotting fruit. Others prefer rotting flesh or dung. While rotting flesh and dung may be repugnant to us, many butterflies will fly right past the butterfly garden to feast on the stuff.

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8y ago
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9y ago

Zebra Longwing Butteflies are the only butterfly that eats pollen. They are attracted to plants like Passionvine, Lantana, Verbena and Spanish Needle.

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by flyingfast!

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all flowers

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Q: What plant attracts Zebra Longwing Butterflies?
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What kind of plant attracts butterflies?


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Well, the rose flower attracts pollinators.

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Butterflies are beneficial to gardeners as they help with plant pollinations.

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it attracts insects for pollination

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the part of the plant that attracts insects for pollination is the petals through their attractive colours

What diet does zebra have?

Zebras are plant eaters.