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Total annual compensation would include base salary, any commission you would have made, any bonuses you would have received, and your health benefits package, i.e. medical and dental plan value.

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Q: What does total annual compensation include?
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What is president of the united state annual compensation for 2009?

$400,000 Annual Salary $50,000 Supplemental Total $450,000 Annually

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a yearly earning

What is the definition of total compensation?

The definition of total annual compensation includes all your benefits of employment. This includes your salary, time off benefits, what your employer pays towards your health benefits, retirement, and other fringe benefits.

What does previous employer total compensation means?

Previous Employer Total Compensation Refers to the total amount of money (Could include straight salary, bonus, value of benefits, 401k contributions) that was paid to you by your previous employer.

What are you looking for in total compensation?

Its different per company/country and can be different inside of one company and the different countries that company is in. However, in the US it is typically Base Salary + Short Term Incentives (Bonus) = Total Cash Compensation. Total Cash Compensation + Long Term Incentives (Stock, etc.) = Total Direct Compensation (aka Total Compensation) Other calculations can be used to determine and factor in health benefits, retirement, and other 'compensation'. But as mentioned, these calculations will be different in different countries, but the above calculations are standard.

What is annual job compensation expectation?

Your annual job compensation expectation should depend on a number of factors. It will depend on the job description as well as your skills and experience.

What is the presidents annual compensation and salary?

Salary of 400k.

What is the 401K annual compensation limit?

for 2008 $230,000

Objectives of compensation?

You need to include in the statement what type of compensation you are expecting. You may also include the amount of compensation you have received in the past.

What is the commission rate for service sales?

The commission rate for any product or service is based on the annual services revenue and total sales compensation less salary. If annual services revenue is $12M and the total sales compensation is $240,000 including a $120,000 salary, then the services commission rate is ($240K - $120K)/$12M = 1%. Depending on the type of services and total comp, commission rates may range from 0.25% to 4.0% for services. JMC

What is total annual bonus?

salary and benefits combined