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To 'defile' is to 'tread underfoot', 'make filthy','to profane', so

If something is UNdefiled, it is kept clean and honorable.

The scripture referred to is at: Hebrews 13:4 " Let marriage be honorable among all, and the marriage bed be without defilement, for God will judge fornicators and adulterers."(NWT)

The rest of that scripture explains what is meant. Marriage, as an arrangement from God, (Genesis 2:22-24), is to be kept honorable in God's sight, because 'God will adversely judge FORNICATORS and ADULTERERS', and any who come between marriage mates.(Matthew 19:4-6)

Fornication is sexual relations outside of the marriage arrangement, or God dishonoring sexual practices even within the marriage(1 Corinthians 6:9+10)

Adultery is sexual relations with someone NOT your spouse.(Proverbs 6:32)

If a person practices any of these things, they have defiled the marriage bed and are no longer honoring the God-ordained institution of marriage.

(Galatians 5:19-21)(1 Corinthians 5:9)(1 Corinthians 6:18)

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