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it is what stays the same

love, Amna A. Osman

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Q: What does variables mean for a science fair?
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What are variables in a fair science?

another word for variables are 'things'.

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Science Fair Projects involving Dependent and independent variables.?

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Do you need an aim in your science fair?

yes for a good science fair you would you need a title, question, aim, abstract, hypothesis, method, variables, results, conclusion, bibliography and thanks

What does conclusion mean in science mean in science fair project?

a ninja hiya

What are variables and independent variables?

those words either mean math or science words

What are good science fair project with good independent variables?

Go to it has a lot of good ideas

In gr8 science fair if it says show the other variables controlled what does that mean?

When you prepare a science experiment you have different variables (or conditions) that you must either control (manage) or measure.Examples of variables that can be controlled include:TemperaturePressureConcentrationQuantityThey are called variables because they can be varied while you repeat an experiment. I.e. you can measure how much sugar dissolves in a liter of water. By varying the temperature you can test how this affects the amount of sugar that is dissolved.

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What does validity mean in a science fair project mean?

the results

What do you need on science fair board?

aim hypothesis method equipment results conclusion variables application interpret observation