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Translation: "You are going to help your mom set the table."

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Are you going to help your mama set the table

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Q: What does vas a ayudar a tu mama a poner la mesa?
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What is 'Are you going to help me' in Spanish?

¿Me vas [or va] a ayudar? may be Spanish equivalents of 'Are you going to help me'. The personal pronoun 'me' means 'me'. The verbs 'vas' and 'va' both mean '[you] are going, do go, go'. But 'vas' is the form with the informal singular 'tu'. The form 'va' is used with the formal singular 'usted'. The preposition 'a' means 'to'. The infinitive 'ayudar' means 'to help'. All together, they respectively are pronounced 'meh vah-sah-ah-yoo-thahr' and 'meh vah ah ah-yoo-thahr'.That's what's said when 'you' is one person. When 'you' really means 'you all', the phrase becomes '¿me vais [or van] a ayudar?' The informal plural 'vais' is used in Spain, and is pronounced 'veyess'.* The form 'van'is used as the informal and formal plural in Latin America, and as the formal plural in Spain. It's pronounced 'vahn'.The informal forms are used with a person or persons whom the speaker considers part of his/her close circle of family, friends and peers. The formal forms are used with a person or persons whom the speaker considers a stranger or strangers, senior in age or position, or otherwise outside that close familial and friendly circle.*The sound 'veyes' is similar to the sound in the English noun 'vice'.

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