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Labor unions fought for improved work conditions, pay and benefits, reduced hours, overtime pay, safety, holiday pay.

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Labor unions saw membership decline

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Q: How did labor unions affect people and society?
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Why was labor unions formed?

labor unions were formed to combat the horrible working conditions and low wages of the early 20th century.

Where do labor unions have the most influence in?

If you count the PKK(Kurdistan Worker's Party), then Turkey is the country where labor unions have the most influence. The PKK is basically a labor union turned terrorist. They have influence all over the world especially in Turkey and in Italy. The U.S. is not so big on labor unions anymore. They are a thing mainly of the past. The Southern U.S. has the biggest unions. Unlike in the North East where the biggest labor Union may be Verizon's CWA. When Society in a certain area develops enough it realizes that just like Socialism, unions are flawed in the way that not everyone should be equally rewarded because not everyone works at the same intensity level. This is normally the case in Unions; some people work their ass off and get paid the same as their coworkers that float by using the minimum effort that they can. Therefore, unions actually destroy productivity. This was not always the case. In the early 1900's, labor unions were a very important part of business because everyone worked with high levels of effort, and the business leaders did not reward their valiant efforts and the many fruits of their labors. That's not a strike against today's generations, it's just a fact that society has hit a stage of laziness for various reasons. Luckily, Society is a constantly developing idea. It is constantly melting into different stages. Therefore, Society will eventually become hard workers again. This is when labor unions will again become a large part of society. That is unless our economic processes advance to a point where labor unions become useless and an idea of absolute absurdity.

What did companies do to stop labor unions?

Some of the things that companies did to stop labor unions was use scabs. Scabs were people that replaced the people in the labor unions on the job. The people in the labor unions would then be lose their job and have trouble feeding their families. Companies would also use black listing which was when companies would tell other companies of people who were involved in labor unions. Then the people who were black listed were not able to get jobs in the area, and would then be forced to move. They also hired private security companies to harass union members. Some used their connections with the government to have troops come in and use superior force to breakup strikes.

What types of people were attracted to early labor unions?

The original unions were formed because of the extremely harsh work conditions in America at the time. These Unions stood for more worker rights, child labor laws, and minimum wage.

Politicians were eager to gain the support of labor unions because?

labor unions had the power to sway elections

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How did world war two affect labor unions?

The people of WW2 were Pro-labor Labor Unions thrived

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How dose labour unions can effect a Mixed economy

Who did the Taft-Hartley act mainly affect?

Labor Unions

Who did the Taft Hartley act mainly affect?

Labor Unions

Who do you honor Labor Day?

People honor workers and their contributions to society. The holiday was originally celebrated as a day of rest for unions.

How does the growth of labor unions affect economies issues?

The labor unions give workers a stronger voice so that they can get a fair share of the economic growth they help create.

What is the general attitude in your class toward labor unions?

The general attitude toward labor unions will vary from class to class. Some will be very supportive of labor unions, some won't, and some will be split. Attitudes will probably largely be based on whether or not labor unions have a positive effect on the person and/or members of their families, or whether or not a person believes the unions have a positive effect on society as a whole.

Why people don't like union?

Usually the people who don't like labor unions are bosses of large companies who feel that labor unions are a threat to their business.

What are the jobs of the labor unions?

The purpose of labor unions is to protect its members, workers, from being underpaid and overworked. Unions have fees and rules that apply to all members.

Why was labor unions formed?

labor unions were formed to combat the horrible working conditions and low wages of the early 20th century.

What event encourage garment workers to join unions?

Labor Unions

What effect did the prosperity of the 1920s have on labor unions?

Labor unions saw membership decline.