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Q: What element in group 5 has the greatest metallic character?
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Which element has the greatest metallic character?

Metallic character increases as one transitions down and right through the periodic table. By definition, francium (Fr) would be the most metallic, but only extremely small amounts of it exist at any given time, thereby rendering caesium (Cs) as the most metallic element.

Does Mg have more metallic character than Ca?

no it is because metallic character increases down the group

Is bismuth an element?

Yes bismuth is in group 15, a metallic element

Which group 5A element forms the most basic oxide?

Bi, Bismuth forms the most basic oxide in group 5A because it has the most metallic character.

Which element in Group 15 is the most metallic?


Why does metallic nature increases down the group?

From top to bottom in the group the electro positivity increases so that the metallic character increases .

What does carbons group number tells you about the element?

Tells you where this element resides in the period table. tell you which group,,metallic , gas, or liquid.

Which group of minerals all normally contain this metallic element in their compositions?

The Sulfates mineral group typically contains one or several metallic elements

Which is most non metallic element in group 16?

Oxygen, the upper one in group 16

What is the trend in ionic character of the group 2 compounds going down the group?

The ionic character increases for group 2 compounds as we go down the group. The metallic character also increases.

Is the element sodium metallic or nonmetallic?

It is Metallic. Meaning it is a metal. It's in the group of elements called the Alkali Earth Metals.

What is A silver soft waxy metallic element of alkali metal group?
