

What factors for rise of trans Sahara trade?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What factors for rise of trans Sahara trade?
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What factors increased the trans saharan trade?

Some factors that led to the rise of trans-Saharan trade were the spread of Islam and the trading between the North and West.

What are the consequences of trans saharan trade?

EFFECTS OF TRANS SAHARA.positive effects.1. introduction of Islamic religion2. rise of some state.e.g.Timbuktu3. northen and southern Sahara got wealth of their goods.negative effect1. increase desertification

What are the effects of trans-saharan trade?

EFFECTS OF TRANS SAHARA.positive effects.1. introduction of Islamic religion2. rise of some state.e.g.Timbuktu3. northen and southern Sahara got wealth of their goods.negative effect1. increase desertification

Which event caused a decrease in trans-Saharan trade?

The rise of European maritime trade in the 15th century, particularly the discovery of new sea routes to Asia, caused a decrease in trans-Saharan trade. Europeans were able to bypass the Sahara Desert and establish direct trade links with Africa's coastal regions, diminishing the importance and profitability of the trans-Saharan trade routes.

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