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Q: What famous math term is Al-Khowarizmi credited with coining?
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He was an extremely famous physist that is credited with creating the technology to create the atomic bomb, and is also known for the famous math formula E=Mc2.

What word is AL- Khowarizmi credited with coining?

Al-Khwarizmi used the word "aj-jabr" to describe the mathematical process of using an unknown variable and then changing an equation to figure out the variables numeric value. Math we now know as algebra.

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he is famous for teaching math

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A famous math person?

Matthew McAllister

Who is the famous math magician?

Benjamin Franklin,

Who wrote two famous books on math?

Robert Vesil made the book called math

Why was Dame Mary Cartwright famous?

she is famous cause she knows alot f math

Is Stephen hawking famous in maths as well as science?

Stephen Hawking is not famous for math. He is famous for his contribution to physics. Physics uses math, but Hawking would not be considered a mathematician in the academic sense. People become famous for math by discovering or proving properties of numbers. Physicists become famous by discovering or proving properties of the universe (or multiverse, as Hawking believes).

How does a famous singer use math in their career?

they don't.

What is the authors name for Harcourt math fourth grade?

There is no authors name credited to Harcourts fourth grade math book. This is because many people contributed to the book. it is published by HMH Publishers.