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the eye helps it see very far to see prey or predaders.

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Q: What features does the octopus do eyes have that help it survive?
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i don't know so don't ask me

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cuz they want them

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external body features help organisms survive by providing protection from other animals, and for a sort of armor material, as well as a possible mating insignia

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yes it helps because they have there own skill to survive its in there gens

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claws, teeth

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It keeps the eyes moist which keeps them healthy which lets us see properly which can help us survive.

How does an alligator eyes help it survive?

see their food, see underwater

What features does leopards have that help it survive?

it has teeth that can rip off it's prey's fur .

How does the placement of their eyes help cats and squirrels survive?

If the eyes face forward, this means a predator. If they are on the sides of the head, this means prey.

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Mit romney kills dawgs