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Any they felt they could take part in.

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Q: What games could the woman of Greece take part in?
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What games could the women of Greece take part in?

they were weired

Who took part in the olympic games in greece?

a pig

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Why were women in early Greece allowed to play in the olympic games?

Women in early Greece were not allowed to take part in their olympic games.

Could woman take part in or attend the plays?

could woman attend or watch in theartes

Where did wrestling orignate from?

Ancient Greece or Rome I think it was part of the olympic games eventually

What was the purpose of athletic competition in ancient Greece?

To unite each part of Greece for these one games (Olympics), and to stop all war until the games were over. Just for fun, really. :P

In which continent is Greece?

Greece is part of the continent of Europe.

Why were the Olympic games part of a religious festival?

Greece was very religious and it was in honour to zues

Is Julius Caesar a ruler of Greece or Rome?

Julius Caesar was a Roman ruler but he could be said to rule Greece too, because Greece was part of the Roman empire in Caesar's time.

Ancient Greece mountains?

A large part of Greece is covered by mountains. Mount Olympus in Greece is famous as the 'home' of the ancient Greeks' gods and as the place that gave the Olympic Games its name.

Could children take part in or attend plays in ancient Greece?

They could only if they was 16 year old boy