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Nitrogen gas makes up most of the atmosphere. However carbon dioxide extinguishes a burning splint and is found in a small amount in the atmosphere Nitrogen gas. It is an inert gas that makes up over 70% of the Earth's atmosphere.

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Nitrogen makes up more than 70% of Earth's atmosphere and doesn't react very much with other elements.

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Q: This gas makes up most of the air It does not react much A burning splint will go out in this gas?
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What gas makes up most of the air and does not react very much and a burning splint will go out in this gas?


What is a gas that makes up most of the air but does not react?

Nitrogenis the gas you are looking for.This gas make's up most of the air, it dose not react much.A burning splint will go out in this gas.

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Hydrogen. You can test it by putting a burning splint over the test tube, it should pop. I'm not sure if this is true most of the time, but it is true for many metals.

What gas makes up most of the air and it does not react very much?


If the sun was truly burning how long will it last for?

The sun is not actually burning as in a fire on earth, Burning is a chemical reaction that releases heat. The sun is a nuclear reaction. However most scientists estimate that the sun will continue to react brightly for another five billion years or so.

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Most information you will find on wood burning ovens is about do-it-yourself techniques. There are companies, like Forno Bravo, who offer assembled wood burning ovens for $2,000-$3,000.

How to test for oxygen?

A common way in the lab is to put a hot glowing wooden splint into the gas. If the splint flares into flames, the gas is most likely oxygen. But if it is in water this does not work.

Does the presence of an octet makes an atom very likely to react with other elements?

No, quite the opposite. An octet of electrons would make the atom stable, and therefor unlikely to react with most elements.

How does a horse get a Splint?

A splint bone is a normal part of the horse's leg. It is very thin and tiny and easily broken. When the splint bone is fractured, cracked or injured, we commonly say that the horse has popped a splint. Swelling and calcification of the bone occurs. A horse with a popped splint may be somewhat lame for a while, and the splint is unsightly, but once it heals most horses resume normally as before. Horses frequently pop splints while being worked as young animals. The condition usually is the result of an injury or overwork. If you jump or work a horse on hard ground the bone in there legs may splint. This could be from dried fields or concrete/ tarmac.

What makes group 1 the most reactive?

If I recall correctly, it's because they don't have any electrons in their atoms. Atoms react in order to get a full set of 8 electrons, and the less electrons an atom has, the more likely they are to react.

What subatomic particle causes atoms to react?

Electrons cause atoms to react. Atoms react to achieve a filled valence shell, which for most elements is 8, but 2 for hydrogen, lithium, and berylllium, because having 8 valence electrons, or 2 for H, Li, and Be, makes the atoms stable.

Most sulfur oxides are produced by burning?

By burning coal.