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Q: What goals had been reached under the Great Compromise and Three-fifths Compromise?
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When are the MDG's supposed to be reached?

The Millenium Development Goals, MDG's, are goals set by the United Nations. These goals are supposed to be reached by 2015. They were established in 2000.

How do short-term goals differ from long-term goals?

They can be reached more easily

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Who proposed that African Americans should pursue economic goals before political goals?

The Atlanta Compromise

How long-terms goals differ from short-term goals?

They can be reached more quickly.

How does short term goals differ from long term goals?

Short-term goals are often a 'quick fix'. Long-term goals take more planning and discipline to maintain.

Were the goals reached by the us in Vietnam?

No. The South fell.

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Can the millennium development goals be reached by 2015?


What do long term goals differ from short term goals?

They’re reached further in the future

Have we met the six goals in the preamble?

I am not sure that the government has reached all of the six goals. But some of them are reached while others not quite. #1: To form a more perfect union We certainly have reached this goal. Before the Constitution.

What was the chief goals of the compromise of 1850?

The chief goal of the Compromise of 1850 was to preserve the balance between slave states and free states.