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his name aphrodite

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Q: Who did Paris choose as the fairest?
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Who does Zeus choose to determine which goddess is the fairest of all?


Who is Hephaestus in The Iliad?

Hermes was sent to tell Paris to choose the fairest Goddess (either Aphrodite, Hera, or Athena.) This argument about the fairest started when Eris, who didn't get invited to a wedding, rolled a golden apple for the fairest Goddess.

What war started after Paris chose Aphrodite the fairest goddess on Mt Olympus?

The Trojan war, because Paris made Aphrodite the fairest because she promised him the Queen of Sparta and the King started the war.

What is Paris connection to Zeus?

Paris was the mortal man that Zeus chose to judge the fairest of the goddesses - Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera.

Who were in the prettiest immortal goddess contest?

Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera were judged by Paris for who among them was the fairest; Paris chose Aphrodite.

Why was Paris promisted Helen?

Aphrodite promises Paris the love of the most beautiful woman in the world, this being Helen, if Paris chooses Aphrodite for the apple inscribed "for the fairest".

What did Hera offer Paris?

She offered him eternal wisdom if he picked her the fairest out of her, Artemis and Aphrodite. She offered him eternal wisdom if he picked her the fairest out of her, Artemis and Aphrodite.

Why didn't Athena win the golden apple?

Paris judged that the golden apple inscribed "for the fairest" was for Aphrodite.

What is the theme of Paris and the golden apple?

The golden apple was supposed to be given to 'the fairest'. Three goddesses claimed to be the fairest: Hera, Athena and Aphrodite. Zeus told Paris to be the judge. Each of the goddesses tried to bribe Paris. Aphrodite promised him the most beautiful woman on earth, Helen. So Paris gave Aphrodite the apple, and Aphrodite helprd him to abduct Helen, from Sparta to Troy.

Why did Hera side with Greeks for Trojan war?

Paris offended her by picking Aphrodite as the fairest. So in consequence she sided with the Greeks to punish Paris and his people for his offense.

Paris chose this goddess as the most beautiful goddess of all?

Paris gave the golden apple marked "To the Fairest" to Aphrodite, thus choosing her as the most beautiful.

Why did Zeus chose Paris to decide who is the fairest of all goddess?

Zeus chose Paris because was the prince of Troy. He was a shepherd because his father once heard a prophecy that Paris would bring the fall of Troy