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  • nothing, because thats not true.
  • 'Wow, God is SOO amazing. He must love us a lot'
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Q: What goes through your mind when you think about the fact that you were the cause of our Saviors unimaginable suffering as He took on God's wrath?
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What is an example sentence using the word unimaginable?

The consequences are unimaginable of this were to happen.The earthquake would cause an unimaginable amount of structural damage.

What suffering does a tornado cause?

Tornadoes cause physical suffering for those who have been injured. They cause emotional suffering for those who have lost their homes, livelihoods, pets, friends, or loved ones.

What did buddha teach about 3 causes of suffering?

Actually, he only gave one (root) cause of suffering, craving.

What is the root cause of all suffering?

Human desire causes this suffering.

Is science a cause of suffering in the modern world?

No. Science does not cause suffering. The uses to which it is put may do so, as with any tool.

What is the cause of suffering for Buddhism?


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What is the cause of suffering according to Christ?


Does suffering ever have a cause?

no, just an effect.

What Siddhartha searching for?

Once he became aware of the suffering of humanity he sought first the cause and then the cure. The cause was desire and the cure was to defeat suffering by the Eightfold path .

The four noble truths in Buddhism state that human life is suffering and that the cause of that suffering is desire. What is the way to end suffering?

If the cause is desire then the end of suffering is the end of desire. The Noble Truths then suggest that following the Eightfold paths the road to ending desire.

What was the cause for suffering?

Human race's stupidity and ignorance.