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Q: What group of Africans fought the Arabs and later became Muslim?
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Who conquered Palestine in the 600's?

Muslim Arabs

What group from africa invaded spain and stayed there for several centuries?

The Africans alone couldn't have hoped to try and eliminate Spain. The arabs and african arabs (moors) invaded Spain in what was known as the Muslim conquests.

Where did Obama's Arab heritage come from?

Barack Obama has no Arab heritage. Some people make the mistake of believing that because of the overwhelming majority of Arabs are Muslim, that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are Arab, which is patently false. Barack Obama's father was a Kenyan Muslim. Kenyans are Africans, not Arabs.

Did Magellan destroy the Arab fleet?

Magellan never fought a naval battle against the Arabs. Also, the Arabs never had a consummate fleet. The first powerful Muslim fleet was raised by the Ottoman Turks.

Do Pakistanis call themselves Arabs?

No. They call themselves Muslim, but not Arabs.

Palestinians are mostly Muslim arabswhat is their religion?

Most Arabs are Muslim. Palestinians are not arabs. Palestinians are people who lived in Israel before it became a state in 1948 and was called Palestine. palestininans could be of any religion, therefore. A lot of the people living in Palestine were Arab Muslims.

Who conquered Palestine?

muslim arabs

Why do African Americans blame the Europeans for slavery but not Arabs?

Arabs did enslave africans long before the europeans, however the europeans did bring chattell slavery to north America, where it evolved and became the peculiar institution that later begat Jim crow....

What group did east africans countries often trade with?

East Africans traded most often with Arabs and Asians.

Where do Arabic people pray?

Not all Arabs are Muslims. So, Muslim Arabs pray in Mosques, Churches for Christian Arabs and Synagogue for Jewish Arabs.

ARe Arabs monotheistic?

Most Arabs (>95%) are either Muslim or Christian, so yes, Arabs are generally monotheists.

What do Arabs believe is the most holy city?

Arabs is not a religion. Muslims venerate Mecca as a Holy City. All Arabs are not Muslim. All Muslims are not Arabs.