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The book was an immediate success, selling over one million copies in the first six months. When the Nazis came to power, the author fled to the U.S.

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Q: What happened to Erich Maria Remarque after All Quiet on the Western Front's publication in Germany?
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What was so ironic about the of remarque's famous book about World War 1?

Remarque's book was called "All Quiet on the Western Front," but in reality, each day in Germany thousands of soldiers were being killed by machine guns and whatnot.

Who wrote all quiet on the western front?

Erich Maria Remarque

Who Is This Book By All Quite On The Western Front?

Erich Maria Remarque

What was Remarque's purpose in writing all quiet on the western front and who was he writing for?

Remarque's purpose in writing "All Quiet on the Western Front" was to portray the reality of war and its devastating impact on soldiers. He wanted to convey the futility and senselessness of the conflict. He was writing for a wide audience to raise awareness about the horrors of war and promote peace.

Is all quiet on the western front a true story?

No , it was a fictionalized account by Erich Maria Remarque .

All quiet on the western front?

All Quiet on the Western Front is a book about Paul Baumer in WW1. It is by Erich Maria Remarque. There is also a movie about it but it sucks butt.

Erich Maria Remarque's novel All Quiet on the Western Front is a notable piece of war literature because it?

Answer this question… refuses to describe war as heroic or glorious.

How was Erich Maria Remarque's novel All Quiet on the Western Front different from most earlier stories about war?

Answer this question… It realistically depicted the suffering felt by soldiers.

When did the western front happen?

The Western Front Happened In France, Belgium. During World War One.(1914-1918)

Which historic event happened in November of 1989 in Western Europe?

The Communist government of Eastern Germany resigned, the Berlin Wall opened (and was later torn down), and Germany was reunified a year later.

What chapter does kat die in all quiet on the western front?

Kat dies in Chapter 9 of "All Quiet on the Western Front" by Erich Maria Remarque. He is fatally wounded and dies in the hospital in the final chapters of the book.

What year did germany invade western europe?

Germany invaded Western Europe in 1939 and 1940.