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Q: What happening to the motion of the particles in the soup as it cools?
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How do you cool down a too hot curried soup?

You can drink milk, this cools down the pallet or just add cream to the soup.

Why size of hot soup reduced when kept on table?

As the hot soup cools, so it contracts and, as there is evaporation of any water content continuing, the soup will reduce slightly in volume.

Why does blowing on soup make it cool off faster?

The steam you see coming off a hot bowl of soup are the hotter, faster moving particles evaporating into the air, leaving slower-moving, cool particles behind. But these evaporated particles form a little cloud of vapor above the soup, which prevents the other hot particles from evaporating. When you blow on your soup, you blow away the vapor. This allows more of the faster moving particles to evaporate.

What increases the kinetic energy of the particles that make up a bowl of soup?

potential energy

What happens to the temperature of the soup when you turn off the stoves element?

the particles die.

How do cool a big pot of hot soup?

place the stockpot on a prep table at room temp

Is tomato soup homogeneous or heterogeneous?

The tomato soup is a heterogeneous mixture; it contains particles over 1 nm in diameter.

Why do your hands get warmer when you blow on them while soup gets colder if you do so?

Your breath is warmer than your hands so they warm up, but it is cooler than the hot soup so that cools off.

How do you make soup not so hot?

Wait until it cools off, cook it for less time, or put the amount of heat lower.

The state of matter in which particles move fast enough to overcome the attraction between them is a?

If the particles are electrically neutral the state of matter is a gas. If the particles ore ionized - a "soup" of electrons and positively charged ions, it is a plasma.

How a teaspoon of salt can flavor a whole pan of soup?

Because a teaspoon of salt has a lot of salt minerals in it, and if you put liquid in the stew or soup, the salt minerals will separate into individual particles, that will flow to every part of the soup, and the taste comes out.

What is the proper way to eat a bowl of soup?

To eat soup, dip the spoon into the soup, then remove it by going away from your body, not toward it. Sip the soup off the side of the spoon, instead of placing the whole spoon in your mouth.