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humid air is lighter that an equal volume of dry air at the same temperature.

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Q: What happens because water vapor molecules are lighter than nitrogen or oxygen molecules?
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Why do nitrogen diffuse faster at a higher temperature?

Nitrogen, because the molecules are lighter and therefore they spread out quicker.To know the lighter objects we will check the molecular mass(Mr)by seeing the upper number in the periodictable

What happens when water vapor is lighter than nitrogen or oxygen?

Water vapor is a gas so it is in the air. Nitrogen and nitrogen are in the air too, but there is more nitrogen than anything in the air. I believe it rises because it is lighter, like a balloon filled with helium.

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Helium molecules are lighter than most air molecules in the atmosphere (mostly nitrogen and oxygen) therefore they are prone to rise while heavier molecules move downward.

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Nitrogen is lighter than oxygen

Does nitrogen dioxide diffuse faster than neon?

No. Gaseous diffusion is a function of mass, with lighter molecules diffusing more rapidly. Neon (approximate atomic mass of 20) is considerably lighter than nitrogen dioxide (approximate molecular mass 46).

Is there nitrogen in lighter fluid?

Naphtha .

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Because your mom F**K people... >< JK Nitrogen is lighter than bromine...

What is the difference between dry air and wet air?

the answer is atmosphere and trosphere

Why is it that the nitrogen have greater amount than oxygen?

nitrogen is lighter than oxygen

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Warm air masses are lighter than cold air masses because the molecules of cold air move slower than the warm air's molecules.

Why does hydrogen rise in air?

this happens because hydrogen is lighter than air