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Any bleeding during pregnancy should be directed to your OB/GYN....especially bleeding with pain.

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Q: What happens if you have some red spotting and some pain to go along with it?
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Is spotting weeks before you scheduled period while on birth control normal?

Its actually very normal, along with other symptoms i took the pill and I'm on the patch now and it still happens. and some people actually have there spotting flow like there normal period.

I just took a pregnancy test 5 days ago and it came up positive and i have been spotting with some ovary pain can i be misscarring?

if the pain is also in your lower back you could be . get medical help right away.

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Yes. I have 6 children and 5 out of the 6 pregnancies I had lower back pain along with some cramping as some of my very earliest symptoms. This happens to me even before the nausea and fatigue.

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The last time I was pregnant I have some severe pain, I thought it was my period as I always had very painful ones, I was taking painkillers as I have very iregular periods and never suspected I was pregnant until I did a test at 5 and a half weeks, my doctor told me that the pain was my womb getting ready for the pregnancy.

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Some crazy shat happens involving your parents :)

Do ultrasounds give you spotting?

If it was a vaginal ultrasound then yes it could give you some spotting.

How will you know before hand when you start your period?

There is no way for certain some get cramps, bloating or light spotting as tip off signs before it happens but not all

What if you dont have brown spotting while on the depo injection?

red or brown spotting is common, but some people dont have spotting at all (there the lucky folk).

Is there a difference between spotting and having a period when you are on the shot?

i think there is because, spotting is usually lighter then a period and the shot causes your hormones to act up. which would in some cases cause some spotting.

What happens if you fail a drug test at your family doctor and you go to a pain clinic..does your doctor let the pain doctor know?

Some doctors would pro-actively alert the pain clinic and some not. It would be part of the record which the pain clinic will often request.

Plan b and depo shot together?

Yes, you can take the depo and plan b together. The only side effect will be dizziness, dry mouth, some stomach pain, tiredness and spotting.

What does it mean when your are on Depo-Provera but still see blood when you wipe yourself?

It means your spotting...some woman tend to have spotting when first taking the shot. Some women periods stop completly after spotting and in some cases a period as at least one a year on the shot.