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It explodeds, a pop sound and a flash of flame.

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Q: What happens when a split that is on fire is placed into a container containing hydrogen gas and oxygen gas?
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The pressure in a gas cylinder containing hydrogen will leak more quikly than if it is containing oxygen?

The pressure in a gas cylinder containing hydrogen will leak more quickly than oxygen. REASON & EXPLANATION: According to graham law of diffusion, the rate of diffusions of certain gas is inversely proportional to its molecular mass and density. i. e. smaller the molecular mass and density,greater will be the rate of diffusion and vice versa. As the hydrogen is lighter than the oxygen, so the molecular mass and density is lower than that of oxygen, so the pressure in a gas cylinder containing hydrogen will leak more quickly than if it is containing oxygen.

What do you use to test a gas?

hydrogen: place a lighted splint into the container containing hydrogen, the result is a squeaky pop.oxygen: place a glowing splint (a blowout splint) into the container containing oxygen, the result is the splint relighting.carbon dioxide: bubble the gas through lime-water, the result is the lime-water turning milky/cloudy.ammonia: place DAMP litmus paper over the container containing ammonia, the result is the litmus paper turning blue.

What is a greenhouse gas containing only hydrogen and oxygen?

Water vapor is a greenhouse gas that contains only hydrogen and oxygen.

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What happens when hydrogen sulphide is mixed with oxygen?

Hydrogen sulphide explodes when it is mixed with oxygen.

What is abhurite?

Abhurite is a mineral containing tin, oxygen, hydrogen and chlorine.

What is carbonhydrate made of?

Molecules containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms

What is an aksaite?

An aksaite is a mineral containing magnesium, boron, oxygen, and hydrogen.

How does the composition a mixture of hydrogen differ from the compound containing hydrogen and oxygen?

The compound is water - H2O; the molecule of hydrogen is H2.

What happens when hydrogen and oxygen molecules form water?

A chemical reaction between oxygen and hydrogen occur.

What type of atoms do carbohydrates contain?

Carbohydrates fall into the general formula Cx(H2O)y, each molecule containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms.

How is a container of hydrogen gas different from a container of water vapor?

In a bottle of hydrogen and oxygen the two elements are intermingled but remain chemically separate and distinct. You have H2 molecules and O2 molecules in the same general space. In a bottle of water the hydrogen and oxygen are combined into a single substance, forming molecules of H2O.