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Structural highs (e.g. mountains) are created by uplift. The uplifted rocks are commonly heavily folded and faulted as a result of uplift.

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Q: What happens when tectonic forces uplift?
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Process that elevates the surface of Earth?

A process that elevates the Earth's surface is called tectonic uplift. Some examples of tectonic uplift are crustal thickening, lithospheric flexure, orogenic uplift, and isostatic uplift.

If tectonic forces uplift the crust beneath a stream drainage and steepen the gradient of the stream drainage area what is the response of the stream?

The uplift is so slow that the stream will usually eventually cut down into the uplifted area to resume its course.

What is definition of uplift?

Uplift refers to the process of uplifting or raising something to a higher position or level. In the context of geology, uplift can also refer to the upward movement of the Earth's crust due to tectonic forces.

Are cliffs formed by erosion?

They can be, such as where a stream or river cuts into the ground, forming a gorge or canyon. However, cliffs may also be formed by uplift from tectonic forces.

What is a rejuvenation river?

A rejuvenated river is a river with a gradient that is raised by tectonic uplift.

What is Rejuvenated river?

A 'Rejuvenated' river is a river with a gradient that is raised by tectonic uplift.

What causes a rejuvenated stream?

Both sea level drop and tectonic uplift

How can a watershed be affected?

A watershed is the landform that separates two catchment areas. Commonly a ridge or a spur. The form of the watershed may be affected by erosion, or more rarely, by tectonic land uplift / subsidence forces.

What causes uplift?

The earth's crust moves and the crust moves up When you have something like the rifting of a continent, the lithosphere heats up and causes it to rise. sinking of craton edges can be caused by things like tectonic loading.

What causes all types of rocks to be exposed to weathering and erosion?

Uplift caused by tectonic movement

What forces move the continents?

Tectonic forces.

What does geological forces mean?

tectonic forces, etc