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The surface will look Red, because white reflects all colours and absorb none. If you hit a red light on, say, green then that would look black because green will absorb all the red but if it was a green light then it would look green. Every colour, except white, absorbs colours except itselves.

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White light is a mixture of all colors of light within the visible spectrum. The white paper reflects all of the light, which is why you see the white paper as being white.

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Q: What happens when white light reflects from a white paper?
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Does paper reflect light?

Yes, but since its surface is uneven (at atomic level), light is not reflected as in the case of a mirror. Anything that we can see (except black) reflects light. The white paper, for instance, reflects all the colours of white light and this is why it appears white to our eye.

Why does a sheet of paper appear white?

Because the material it is made out of only reflects white light.

Why does black paper absorb light faster than white paper?

This is because back aborbs heat where as white reflects heat

What colors does white paper reflect?

White light is made up of all the colors. If a paper is white, it is reflecting all the colors of light. We know that the color of an object is determined by the color(s) of light it reflects. If an object is green, for example, it reflects green light and absorbs all other colors.

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Colour depends on what light something absorbs and reflects, white paper reflects all light so its white, and black absorbs all, thus, absorbing more light, and transmitting infra red waves

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white reflects light and black absorbs it white-cooler black-hotter

Does black paper absorb wave lengths of light?

No black paper is not translucent ts opaque

True or false a solution which reflects white light absorbs all wavelenghts?

It is false that a solution that reflects white light absorbs all wavelengths. A solution that reflects white light reflects all wavelengths.

Why does paper reflect light?

White reflects more light than any other colour, while black absorbs more light than any other color. To get technical, photons that are not absorbed by the paper will bounce off (be reflected by) the paper and make it appear lighter or white. Short answer: because most paper is white.

What happens to the different colors of light when white light shines on a opaque violet object?

it reflects violet and absorbs the other colors

If you shine a yellow light on a white surface why does the surface look yellow instead of white?

The white surface reflects the yellow light back to you. White reflects all colours of light, so when it only has yellow light to reflect, it reflects all of the yellow light.

Why is it that a sheet of white paper is a good reflector of light?

That's the definition of "white" - that it reflects a large percentage of the incoming light (all colors get reflected by more or less the same percentage).