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You could blow up the bunsen burner.

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Q: What happens when you put iron wool in a Bunsen burner?
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Why an iron nail when heated in a Bunsen burner will only glow red whereas steel wool will burn away?

Since they are different substances, they will react differently in a combustion (burning) reaction.

What happens when you react iodine with iron wool?

in this demonstration experiments iron wool is heated in the presence of chlorine gas,and the vapour of bromine and iodine.Exothermic reaction occur,causing iron wool to glow.Iron wool rust and produced coloured vapours. 2fe+I2=2FeI2

What can you do to iron wool to physically change it?

You could iron wool with a hot-enough iron to set it on fire.

What happens when iron rod rubbed with wool cloth?

The iron rod becomes shinier and the wool cloth wears out. If you rub the same wool cloth on a hard rubber rod, the rod will become charged with static electricity and you will be able to pick up small bits of paper with it---whoopee!

Does steel wool have iron in it?

steel is made from a mixture of iron and carbon so yes, steel wool definitely has iron in it

What is the reaction of fluorine with iron wool?

The Flourine goes Grey and starts to dissolve into the Iron Wool

When steel wool rusts the iron in the steel wool combines with?

iron oxide. the most common types are iron oxide (FeO), iron (II) oxide (Fe2O3), and iron(III) oxide (Fe3O4).

Is iron wool a metal?


Why does iron wool react with HCl faster then an iron nail or the same mass?

Because the surface area of iron wool is higher, the area exposed to acid is higher.

Why does steel wool turn blue after it's burned?

Iron wool gains mass when it is burnt because the oxygen in the fire oxidizes and rusts the iron. The additional oxygen molecules on the iron wool in the form of rust increases the mass of the wool.

What is the scientific name for wool?

iron oxide

What setting on an iron is 300 degrees?
