

What have alligators been referred to as?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What have alligators been referred to as?
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Are there salt water alligators in the gulf of Mexico?

It is a rare occurrence but yes alligators have been spotted at beaches.

What is a mother alligator called?

Female alligators, whether they are mothers or not, are called cows. The male alligators are called bulls, and the baby alligators are known as hatchlings. Alligators usually live anywhere from 35 to 50 years when living in the wild. Some alligators have been know to live to be 80 years old.

How many alligators are there in Texas?

Well it is hard to say. There are an estimated 17 confirmed deaths of alligators since 1940. However there may be more people killed by alligators that have not been reported.

Does anacondas eats alligators?

It is possible and has been documented so yes

Are alligators related to dragons?

In a sense, yes. Alligators are related to dinosaurs, or rather, are the only surviving dinosaurs that did not "evolve." Birds are also surviving dinosaurs, but they evolved from the larger, reptilian types of dinos. Alligators, and crocodiles, just got smaller. I know what you are thinking, "How does that answer the question? It asks if alligators are related to dragons, not dinosaurs." In ancient times, people referred to dinosaurs as dragons. Dragons are also mentioned in the Bible to refer to dinosaurs.

What are a pair of alligators called?

two alligators alligators.

Are alligators known to attack lions?

Crocodiles have been known to kill lions, and sometimes the lion gets away, or kills the crocodile. Alligators do not live in Africa.

How old have alligators been on this earth?

alligators get as old as 73 to 75 years old as the average human does. They have been around even longer than dinosaurs have been alive. Most dinosaurs have evolved from crocidiels such as a "Leoplurodon"

What animals eat alligators?

Big alligators eat smaller alligators,humans and raccoons eat baby alligators and eggs

Does alligators have fur?

No, alligators do not have fur

Are alligators icstinct?

No. There are millions of alligators.

Where do tigers and alligators live?

Tigers live in jungles,and alligators live in rivers and swamps. Alligators live in places called forests.The tiger's habitat is almost the same.There has been sightings of alligators in the amazon river. The tiger generally does not attack people,only if provoked. Hope you learn something!