

What if a 3 week old puppy does not have its mother?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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if it is taken care of it will survive

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Q: What if a 3 week old puppy does not have its mother?
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a 3 week old puppy is too young to leave it's mother, it hasn't been weaned yet. when you are shopping for a puppy make sure that there are no visible sores, look for fleas; check the gums make sure they are nice and pint (if they are too white, the pup may be anemic).

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No,if a 3 week old puppy needs a bath,please call your vet and ask if you can use a dry shampoo.

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The puppy may be injured. Bring it to a vet.

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Can 3 week puppy's drink pet milk?

Yes. But it is better to let the puppy feed off its mother at least for 4 weeks before separating it from its mother.

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A six-week old puppy should be eating 3-4 meals per day, with his caloric needs spread out evenly over all the meals. Ideally, the puppy should also still be nursing from his mother.

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Yes, the start to hear at 3 weeks old.

When can i allow my other dogs to meet my 3 week old puppy?

when she is at least 7 months old