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Surgery may be needed to clean out and widen the ethmoid sinus opening.

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Q: What if antibiotics don't cure ethmoid sinus infection?
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Can azithromycin cure a sinus infection?

Most sinus infections are viral, and most sinus infections to not respond to antibiotics. Contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

What types of illnesses do antibiotics cure?

Antibiotics only cure bacterial infections. Antibiotics will not cure a viral infection.

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Bactrim DS

Which of the these statements about antibiotics is false?

Safely using antibiotics can only be done when a patient has all the facts. The most common misconception about antibiotics is that they can cure any infection. This statement is false and when taken improperly, antibiotics may not cure an infection, they can make a person sick.

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Appropriately targeted antibiotics are required.

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No but the antibiotics taken to cure the infection can.

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help cure infection

What antibiotics treats viral infection?

Anti biotics will not cure a virus .

Cure for ringworm?

Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin. Anti fungal antibiotics will be required to cure the infection.

How do you cure sinus infection when you have them all the time?

Because you are very stuiped and don't have a doctor

What do you use if amoxicillin does not cure your sinus infection?

Amoxicillin and metronidazole are to be taken in combination for a sinus infection. If plain amoxicillin does not work, a formulation with clavulanic acid such as augmentin should be used with metronidazole.

What are antibiotics and how do they affect bacteria?

they are a cure for when you have a infection and you have to be ill and have to go to the doctors to get this medication.