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How long ago did it happen? It seems there are five stages of grief that most people go through. It might help if you can see you are gradually changing and moving on.

# Denial or Numbness. You can't believe what has happened. You try to keep going like it didn't happen. # Anger or Guilt. Especially if it was unexpected. Whose fault was it? It was someone's fault. # Bargaining. What if... I'd done this. What should we had done differently. # Great Sadness. You become depressed, crying a lot. You withdraw from your friends and family. # Acceptance. Things start to get a bit better. You may never forget your loss but you gradually accept that life has to go on. You become stronger and you sleep better. You can remember your friend with positive memories and without the sadness. Some things that might help:

* don't be afraid to ask for help, family, friends or a support group * remember you can only change yourself * don't make any serious changes in your life while you are unhappy * talk to a religious person, or a counselor, or a trusted friend * keep fit, eat properly, keep exercising * don't bottle up your feelings, and be patient with yourself

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Q: What if your friend passed away and you still feel sad?
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