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usually not many as Britain used slaves just as workers and bought the raw materials e.g cotton to make textiles then they would ship the end product to anywhere in the world e.g a t-shirt and would sell it for a higher price than the raw materials thus making Britain rich

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Q: What imports did the slave trade bring to Britain?
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Why did it take so long to abolish the slave trade in Britain?

because of the money Britain was getting from the slave trade

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Imports from Britain exceeded exports to Britain.

What country dominated the slave trade?

Britain dominated the Atlantic slave trade.

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Yes, he did. He wanted Congress to control the slave trade on imports, though not exports.

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When did Britain stop the slave trade?

Slave trade in Britain was outlawed in 1808 when Parliament passed the Slave Trade Act of 1807. However, this did not slavery altogether. The Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 abolished slavery in most British Empires.

What benefit does slave trade bring to slave owners in the colonies?

Free labor.

When was Britain involved in slave trade?

Captain John Hawkins started the British slave trade in 1562. It came to America in 1619. The British got out of the slave trade in 1807.

When did the British offer slaves their freedom?

Slavery was abolished in Britain in 1833. The Slave Trade Act of 1807 officially ended the slave trade in Britain, but did not end slavery for the people already enslaved there.

Why did Britain enter into slave trade?

because it gave them more money

Who helped bring an end to the slave trade?

William Wilberforce was instrumental in helping bring an end to the slave trade.See the related question as to how Wilberforce accomplished this.