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Babcia pronounced "bahbchah" grandfather is dziadek pronounced "gahdeck"

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Q: What is 'Grandmother' in Polish?
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What does Busia mean in Polish?

Busia means grandmother. Busia means grandmother in Americanized Polish. The way to say Grandmother in Polish is Babcia. See Related Links.

Polish word for grandmother?

'granmother' is Polish means 'babcia'.

How do you write grandmother in Polish?


What is grandmother translated in Polish?


How do you Say grama polish?

If you mean "grandmother" it would be in Polish "babcia".

How do you say great grandmother in polish?


What is babushka in polish?

Babushka is a Russian word, not Polish. It means an old woman, a grandmother.

What does bobcha mean in Ukrainian?

i is polish and we have a grandmother we call bobcha so im assuming its another name for a grandmother

How do you spell grandmother in Polish?

One online translation site translates "dziadunio" and "dziadek" into "grandpa", "granddad", etc. It's "Dziadek" in Polish.

What is the polish name for grandma?


How do you say aunt from english to polish?

The Polish word for grandmother is "babcia", you pronounce it [BAHP-chah] - "ch" as in "China", "ah" as "a" in "father".You can use The translation you will get there is 'babcia'.

Does busha mean grandma in polish?

That's what we always called my Busha, who was a native polish speaker. Some poles I've spoken to since claim it's not the word for grandmother, but Busha was straight from Poland and asked that we called her that. I know she was polish because she spoke polish fluently, listened to polka, and put cabbage and vinegar in everything! The real word is babci, meaning grandmother, not to be confused with babka which is a kind of bread=like cake