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"you know" in french is whether "tu sais" if it isn't formal or "vous savez" if it is formal.

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Q: What is 'you know' in French?
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What is the verb to know in french?

to know is translated "savoir" in French.

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to know is savoir, or connaitre in French.

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You could be French if at least one of your parents is / was French. Check their ID to know.

How do you say 'what do i know' in french?

"Que sais-je?" means "What do I know?" in French.

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to know is translated 'savoir' in French. Another verb translated as "to know" is connaître.

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Be a french teacher of course and by the way if you want to be a french teacher you have to know ALOT of french!!!

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'I don't know' is translated "je ne sais pas" in French.

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latin in french is '' I DON'T KNOW''

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rorqual bleu that's how u say it by the way i know french rorqual bleu that's how u say it by the way i know french rorqual bleu that's how u say it by the way i know french