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calorie requirement is important but in less amount . calorie requirement is 2100 in urban area. and 2400 in rural area . they require more because they do more physical work.

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Q: What is Basal Caloric Requirement?
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Yes it is better to own a fat scale that displays daily caloric intake as well as the basal metabolic rate. However, the daily caloric intake scale would be more beneficial for your health and nutrition purposes.

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The daily caloric requirement for a seventeen year old boy largely depends on his lifestyle and how active he may be. The average requirement is between 2,200 and 3,200 calories per day. The more active he is, the higher the calories required.

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Caloric requirements depend on multiple factors. In addition to weight, height, age, and level of physical activity are determinants of a person's daily caloric requirements. A very rough estimate of the daily caloric requirements of a sedentary 160 lbs female is about 1600 kilocalories. However, this number could vary signficantly depending on the other factors. For a 40 year old, 5' 6" female with a desk job who does not exercise regularly, a guideline caloric requirement for weight maintenance would be 1700 calories per day. However, for a 30 year old, 5' 8" female who exercises daily, an estimated caloric requirement would be 2500 calories per day.

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Basel energy requirement is the amount of calories you need depending on your age, gender and active lifestyle.

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basal adjective is an adjective that is basal

What is basal metabolic index?

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When your caloric balance status is in caloric excess you will?

Gain weight.