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If a collective of people, are hypnotisted, by motion, auto suggestion and gleaming light, this may affect, their pineal glands. The consequence, is, what occurs, in pop concerts, where all the people ,raise their arms, at the same time, through synchronised - coordinated behaviour.

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Q: What is Complex behaviour?
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Complex behavioral patterns such as altruism can evolve in a species as the result of natural selection?

Yes. Evolution, especially of the higher functions of the brain, leads to complex behaviour.

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An attributional complexity is an indivudal difference referring to the extent in which an individual prefers complex explanations for behaviour.

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Eriochrome Black T (protonated form) produce a complex with some metal ions.

What is a Jesus complex?

The dictionary definition of 'complex' is - 'a connected group of feelings or ideas that influence a person's behaviour or mental attitude' So with that definition, I would have a 'jesus complex' as you say, and I can tell you that it is no more than the Bible says - "Jesus loves me this I know , for the Bible tells me so."

What has the author S E Gunn written?

S. E. Gunn has written: 'The nature of cognitive styles and their relationship to complex behaviour; a literature review'

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An abear is a bearing, or a behaviour - particularly a negative behaviour.

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What is a baseline behavior pattern?

The baseline behaviour pattern would be the behaviour at the beginning of a period of observation, or of attempted behaviour modification. Baseline Behaviour is the initial observed behaviour that is to be modified or observed.

What is simple behaviour?

simple behaviour is the behaviour of simple people like arnie... he survived nova gas = )

What are the main ideas of B F Skinner?

he rejected mentalism, he did not believe in the supernatural. he believed in determinism and not free will (all behavior is determined by prior conditioning. He also believed in reductionism, this is the principle of breaking down more complex phenomenon into simpler, more elemental forms. The goal of scientific psy this equals into prediciton and control of future behavior.

What part of speech is behaviour?

Behaviour/behavior is a noun.