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Actually pretty close to the Sun. Mostly hydrogen and helium. In fact, it is thought that Jupiter is a failed star, one that never "ignited."

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Q: What is Jupiters Atmospheric gas?
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Atmospheric flows are forced into belts and zones

What is Jupiters climate like?

Jupiter is a big gas giant and has rings with ice in them

Is jupiters surface dry and rocky?

No. Jupiter is a gas giant, so it does not even have a definite surface.

What planets are large fast moving and made mostly of gas?

The exoplanets called "Hot Jupiters."

What is the atmospheric gas that exists in variable amounts?

BIO gas

What is an atmospheric gas that varies significantly in concentration from one location to?

Atmospheric gas varying with concentration is ozone. It has different concentrations throughout.

Is the most common atmospheric gas?

The most common atmospheric gas is nitrogen, which makes up about 78% of the Earth's atmosphere.

What is Jupiters terrains made of?

Jupiter has no terrain as we know it . . . it is a gas giant. It is mostly composed of various gasses.

What is below Jupiters armosphere?

a deep rocky core actually that isnt true. jupiter is a gas giant. jupiter has no real surface. it is all gas

When was the oxygen the major atmospheric gas?

It never was - Nitrogen is the "major gas".

Why is the atmospheric lifetime of a greenhouse gas important?

The atmospheric lifetime is important because it helps to determine the long-term impact of the greenhouse gas. If there are efficient environmental removal mechanisms for a greenhouse gas (that is, if it has a short atmospheric lifetime) the gas will accumulate in the atmosphere more slowly than predicted by the rate at which it is emitted. If a greenhouse has a longer atmospheric lifetime, then even though not a lot of it is emitted from various sources, the atmospheric concentration of the gas will continually increase, allowing the gas to contribute to global warming for a long time.