

What is Panthera leo?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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14y ago

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Basically, Panthera Leo means Lion.

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What is the genus of an African lion?

Panthera. Panthera Leo Leo.

Where does Panthera leo live?

The Panthera Leo lives in Africa.

How many spicies are there of lions?

One species, Panthera Leo, but two subspecies, the African, Panthera Leo Leo, and the Asiatic, Panthera Leo Persica.

What is the scientific name for an African Lion?

Panthera leoThe scientific name for a lion is Panthera leo.

What is the scientific name for the lion?

The binomial name of the African lion is Panthera leo.

What is the scientic name of lion?

The African subspecies is "Panthera Leo Leo", the Asian is "Panthera Leo Persica".

What is the sientific name for a lion?

Panthera leo, from the Latin Panthera=big cat and Leo=lion.

What is the sientific name for lions?

Panthera leo, from the Latin Panthera=big cat and Leo=lion.

What is a common name for a lion?

a common name for a lion is lion or mammal

What is the scientific name for lion cub?

Lion cubs have the same scientific name as the adults - Panthera leo.

What Latin animal name is panthera Leo?

If you mean, which animals has the latin name, Panthera leo, then it is the Lion.

What is the sicentific name for the liger?

Panthera Leo + Panthera Tigris