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Patrick is, in legend, the person who drove the snakes from Ireland. This was easy for him since snakes have never lived in Ireland, even in prehistoric times. However, the snakes are representative of the pagan Druid gods that he drovw out of Ireland by converting the people to Christianity.

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St. Patrick is well known for the legend that he drove all the snakes out of Ireland. However, this is a pure fable. Science has found absolutely no evidence, fossil or otherwise, that snakes ever lived in Ireland going back to the end of the last iceage, over 10,000 years ago.

In the case of Patrick the word "snake" probably refers to the pagan gods of the Druids who lived in Ireland at the time. Patrick converted them to Catholocism and "drove" the pagan gods out.

So, Patrick is best known for converting Ireland to Christianity.

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