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Superior oblique myokymia (SOM) is a neurologic disorder that affects vision. It is a problem concerning the fourth cranial nerve and its relationship to the superior oblique muscle. Superior oblique myokymia is a condition that presents as repeated, brief episodes of movement, shimmering or shaking of the vision of one eye, a feeling of the eye trembling, or vertical/tilted double vision. It can present as one or more of these symptoms. Diagnosis is most often made by the elimination of other conditions, disorders or diseases.

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Q: What is Superior oblique myokymia?
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What is the Ipsilateral antagonist of right inferior oblique ocular muscle?

Right superior oblique

Why does superior oblique tendon pass through the trochlea?

The superior oblique tendon passes through the trochlea of the eye. This tendon, via a pulley system allows eye movement downward and inward.

What muscle involved in torsions in eye?

6 eye muscles are controlled by 3 cranial nerves lateral rectus-cn 6 medial rectus-cn 3 inferior oblique-cn 3 superior oblique-cn4 inferior rectus-cn 3 superior rectus-cn3 Eyelid: levator palpaebrae Pupils: pupillary sphincter pupillary dilator

How do separate the right and left pulmonary segment?

This is probably what u are looking for but however there is a longer explanation to this which i believe u can get in another place and i wont be typing it here.The Left Lung1. It is slender and divided into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) lobes by a long deep oblique fissurewhich extends from its coastal to medial surface.2. The superior lobe has a large cardiac notch on its anterior border.3. The anteroinferior part of the superior lobe has a small tongue-like projection called the lingula.4. The inferior lobe of the left lung is larger than the superior lobe and lies inferoposterior to the oblique fissure.The Right Lung1. The right lung is shorter and wider than the left lung, because the right dome of the diaphragm is higher and the heart and pericardium bulge more to the left.2. It is divided into superior (upper), middle, and inferior (lower) lobes by horizontal and oblique fissures.3. The horizontal fissure separates the superior and middle lobes.4. The oblique fissure separates the inferior lobefrom the superior and middle lobes.5. The superior lobe is smaller than in the left lung, and the middle lobe is wedge-shaped.6. The anterior margin of the right lung is straight, whereas the margin of the left lung has a deep cardiac notch.

What is the difference between high oblique and low oblique?

High oblique includes the horizon and low does not.

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What are the extrinsic eye muscles?

Superior Rectus Medial Rectus InferiorRectus Superior Oblique Inferior Oblique Lateral Rectus

What is the Ipsilateral antagonist of right inferior oblique ocular muscle?

Right superior oblique

Which muscle type allows you to direct your eyeballs?

The muscles are called the extraocular muscules, and they are the superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, lateral rectus, superior oblique, and inferior oblique.

What muscle pulls the eyebrows superiorly?

superior oblique

Name Four muscles of the eye?

You can choose four of the six: Superior rectus, Inferior rectus, Medical rectus, Lateral rectus, Superior Oblique and Inferior Oblique.

Which muscle is not associated with a movement of the eyeball?

The muscles associated with the movement of the eyeball are the superior rectus inferior rectus the superior oblique and inferior oblique and the medial and lateral rectus

What is the Trochlea of the superior oblique muscle of the eye?

The Trochlea Nerve (cranial nerve 4) controls the superior oblique muscle of the eye. It turns the eye laterally and downwards.

Can you go blind from having Superior Oblique Myokymia?

No. It is an eye movement disorder. It is thought to be caused by a blood vessel being too close to the trochlear nerve that controls the Superior Oblique muscle of the eye. The blood vessel aggrevates the nerve, making the muscle contract, which moves the eye. There is no interaction with the structures within the eye that enable you to see. I have SOM and while it's pretty annoying, with the vision in one eye jumping around so much, I don't have any worries about it. If you're worried or feel you need more information about SOM, go see your opthamologist.

What muscle is innervated by the trochlear nerve?

The superior oblique muscles

What muscle passes through the trochlea?

superior oblique muslce

Why does superior oblique tendon pass through the trochlea?

The superior oblique tendon passes through the trochlea of the eye. This tendon, via a pulley system allows eye movement downward and inward.

What Muscle rolls the eyeball downward?

Trick question! Inferior Rectus and Superior Oblique. You sneaky person you :)