

What is The electron of an atom?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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the negatively charged particle of an atom

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Q: What is The electron of an atom?
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What happens when an atom loses an electron to another atom?

The atom that gains electron becomes an anion. The atom that loses electron becomes a cation.

How Atoms can accept or lose electron's. If an atom loses an electron what will its resulting charge be?

Gain of an electron transform the atom in an anion.Loss of an electron transform the atom in a cation.

What is the size of an atom versus an electron?

an atom is larger than an electron

Is an electron in a hydrogen atom the same as an electron in a uranium atom?


What happpens when an atom has lost an electron contact with an atom that has gained an electron?

It forms a new atom.

What happens when an electron is added to an atom it will acquire?

when an electron is added to an atom, the atom will acquire a negative charge.

How can you use atom electron nucleus and electron cloud in the same sentence?

Electron in an atom is represented by electron cloud around the nucleus

When is electron a valence electron?

A valence electron is one that occupies the highest energy level for any electron in a particular neutral atom. (There may be more than one such electron in a single atom.) It is an electron in the outermost shell of the atom.

What does an atom do when it gains an electron?

it forms an ionic bond with the atom it has received an electron from.

What is likely to happen to an atom with one valence electron?

This atom lose an electron.

What kind of atom tends to have one electron?

The hydrogen atom has 1 electron.

An electron is much larger than an atom?

an electron is much much smaller than an atom. An electron is a portion of the nucleus in an atom.