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Washington was against having political parties. He could see that they were divisive and created disunity in the country.

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Q: What is Washington's position or political parties?
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What was George Washingtons views of political parties?

Political parties were something of a surprise- they began to form sometime after Washington was elected and overall he did not like the idea.

In washingtons farewell speech which parties was he talking about?

He was warning against political parties and that they would work for their own good and not the common good of the people. He was right.

What was George Washingtons Political Party?

George Washington was not for either Political Party, although different parties did not exist back then, he did say that political parties would be the downfall of this nation.

What are the principles that political parties support?

Platform, Position, and Ideology.

In washingtons farewell address he warned the US against what three things?

foreign affairs, sectionalism, secession, and political parties

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Political Parties.

Types of political parties?

Political parties usually have their basis in shared political ideologies and objectives. In the United States the two major political parties are the Republican and Democrat parties.

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Romania has many political parties.

What political parties exist?

There are literally hundreds of political parties.

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Israel has numerous political parties. Currently in the Israeli Knesset there are 12 political parties.

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Their are 37 Political Parties in Nigeria <BrItTaNy:)>

What was washingtons position during the revlution?

He was Commander in Chief in the Revolution.