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A boolean is a value which can either be true or false. A boolean condition is mathematical equation where the result is a boolean (either true or false). Often used in programming.

A boolean condition consists of some varibles, and boolean operations that can be carried out using them. Here are some boolean operations. The sybols are those used in Java and C++.

> Greater Than. Returns true when the number before > is greater than the number after

< Less Than. The opposite of Greater than

== Equals. If the values are equal returns true

OR Returns true if the boolean before and/or the boolean after is true

&& AND Returns true only if the boolean before AND after the && are true

! NOT Inverts/NOT's a boolean. True becomes false. False becomes true

Most programming languages have booleans as a type of variable and if statements as control flow.

An if statement uses a boolean to decide whether or not something is run eg.


// If some boolean is true this peice of code will be run


A an example of a boolean condition could use a less than or greater than symbol

if( someNumber > 9000 ) {

print( "The number... it's.... OVER 9000!!" );


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Exampe of Boolean and usage in the real word Operators Operator = Equal to != ^= Not equal to &lt; Less than Greater than &gt;= Greater than or equal to is null Value is null is not null Value is other than null like Value is an instance of pattern-matching string not like Value is not an instance of pattern-matching string Condition is a Boolean value (&quot;Petar&quot; === &quot;John&quot;) //This is false (&quot;Petar&quot; === &quot;Petar&quot;) This is true if (condition) { code to be executed if condition is true; }